There are certain things you just don't want to be greeted by when you open your door upon returning home.
In a story seemingly pulled from the script of a horror movie, Ben and Amber Sessions believe they were moving into their new dream home in Rexburg, Idaho before finding a snake. The snakes were all around the yard and inside their walls, with the crawlspace inspection confirming their new homes that have a massive snake hibernaculum. Even worse, Amy soon saw a TV report in the house's previous owners and how they had to flee the house on account of the snake infestation. The Sessions family soon followed suit being forced to file for bankruptcy the way.
Big brown mass
Ronald Morris has now learned to look into the toilet bowl before sitting down in the bathroom of his Clinton, Mississippi home. That was after one trip to use the facilities in September of 2015 brought Morris face to face with an unidentified "big brown mass" that had ears and whiskers on it. Morris took a photo of the creature, which soon blew up on social media and some speculated that it was a member of the squirrel or rat family.
Dead bird
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A couple of brave and intrepid or just plain dumb explorers happened upon a creepy, abandoned house late in 2014 and opted to wander in. Inside, they found a dilapidated mess that showed evidence of bullet holes in multiple rooms along with trap doors leading to a cramp crawl space and a deeply unsettling hidden basement chamber. But perhaps creepiest of all was the clear presence of a dead bird hanging upside down by its feet while bound up in one of the light fixtures. Making an already spooky house that much more terrifying.
The bats house ( |
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An abandoned cottage hospital in England was due to be demolished in April of 2016. But there remained one curious obstacle. Full colonies of bats had taken up residence in the Pershore cottage hospital, some of which had been identified as protected species under local law. So before the bulldozing can begin, staff from the Churchill retirement living Corporation, the group behind the demolition, will undergo the unenviable vehicle task of re-homing the creepy flying critters.
Giant rodents
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Complaints about rats and mice can get understandably tedious for landlords, who then have to hire an extermination service that will use invasive chemicals that might or might not find the root of the complaint. But there was no questioning the nature of such a problem for residents of the Kilcronan court estate community in Ireland, who were besieged by swarms of giant rats believed to be the size of chihuahua's. After their complaints fell on deaf ears for weeks, one resident gained widespread social media attention after killing one creature with an axe and displaying its massive carcass on social media.
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Ann Duke and husband Ken Zawislak had been away for four days when they came home to find a glass orb from an art deco bronze sculpture shattered on the floor. They blame their cat and then wondered whether or not they have been robbed, but quickly learned of the real culprit upon hearing the screams of their daughter as she peered into the living room. There sat a large red-tailed hawk, who then spread its wings to an estimated fifty inches in width. The hawk it somehow found its way into the family's home in the Detroit suburb of royal oak. The family thought that maybe the hawk might have been interested in their cat, but a zoologist they contacted felt that it was more likely the Hawk had seen its own reflection in a window of the home.
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A new homeowner in Bristol, England found himself on the receiving end of a rather unwelcome "return to sender" package. The package happened to also include a Brazilian salmon pink bird eater tarantula. One of the world's largest spiders, the tarantula was not believed to have been deliberately sent and instead had found its way into the package during its three weeks foray through the postal system. The man even took the added step of bringing the poor sickly insect to the nearby Highcroft Veterinary group, where it was treated for dehydration.
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An alligator decided to get an early start on taking up residence in a home being constructed in Sterlington, Louisiana. Unfortunately for it, the soon-to-be owner of the home knew how to handle the dangerous creature. Owner David Bradford spotted the Gator's long tail in the living room and quickly got on the phone with Jeremy Pruitt, a professional nuisance alligator hunter. Pruitt, along with his dad Jeff, came by for a contentious battle that involved a lot of hissing but ultimately ended with the Gator tied up.
Giant spiders
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After one of the wettest summers in the history of the UK, the town of Macclesfield bore the brunt of a rampant infestation of giant spiders that plagued the area. Countless residents in the town of 50,000 reported run-ins with long-legged creatures as big as mice, which were believed to have emerged in time for their mating season. One such spider reported to be seven inches in length was found in the bedroom of the son of the Macclesfield resident Nick Oldham, while another claim that a spider had chased his poor terrified wife from room to room.
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In what at first seemed to be a routine drug bust, police in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin discovered a group of teenagers possessing marijuana and drug paraphernalia inside a home during the patrol in early 2016. However, while canvassing the rest of the house, the investigation took an unexpected turn when the cops also discovered a small, sickly crocodile being held in the basement as a pet. The croc was immediately turned over to the local wildlife group, while the teens now face expected criminal charges for both drug possession and ownership of an illegal animal.
Well, that's our article folks which one of these creepy-crawlies would be the most horrifying for you. Let us know in the comments we care about what you think and while you're here.
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