Even though they're works of fiction, superheroes have become some of the hottest commodities in pop culture today. Maybe it's the fact that they're saving the world on a regular basis, or engaging amazing fight scenes, or even because they are easy on the eyes.
Here are some of the sexiest superheroes in popular movies.
Harley Quinn
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While she is technically a crazy villain and the Joker's right-hand woman, Harley Quinn is admired by men all over the world and cosplayed by countless females at conventions. With the new movie "Suicide Squad," becoming so popular even before its release, all eyes are on Margot Robbie, who plays the sexy and insane Harley Quinn. What makes this psycho chick so hot? She doesn't wear much clothing so she can really show off that body, and she can make any heart melt when she calls the Joker, "Puddinn...."!
Black Panther
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He is T'challa, King of Wakanda! Audiences were thrilled to see the Black Panther get his shot on the big screen in "Captain America: civil war" as played Chadwick Boseman. Between the accent, his sexy mystique, and captivating eyes, both male and females swoon when he's addressed as "your highness."
Wonder Woman
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Before 2016, Wonder Woman haven't gotten that much attention, and DC fans all over the world were wondering when their favorite heroine was going to make it on the big screen. Played by the gorgeous Gal Gadot, Wonder Woman literally stole the show in the movie "Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice" as she appeared in full-armored glory during the show-stopping fight scene, making everyone excited for her solo flick in 2017. It's nice to see a sexy woman showing off some cleavage and kicking some serious butt!
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In both print and live-action, he has always been portrayed as extraordinarily hot. Thanks to his good-boy look and hard rock abs. Even when he was played by Christopher Reeve, women everywhere were envious of Lois Lane. In "Smallville", Superman was played by Tom Welling, who was super hunky even though he was just a high school student. Then, Henry Cavill signed on to play "the man of steel" for the latest round of Superman movies, and audiences couldn't be happier
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When "Xmen: Apocalypse" came out in 2016, people have their eyes on Olivia Munn, who plays Psylocke. The hero goes through quite a bit of growth and change as she switches sides from hero to protecting the villain, but we don't want to give away too many spoilers. What makes this superhero so sexy is her curvaceous figure line with a tight and revealing bodysuit, great hair, and fierce attitude.
Iron Man
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There is nothing like a guy who is not only handsome and sexy but also incredibly generous. Tony Stark knows that the world knows he's Iron Man and doesn't even bat an eye, which makes them even hotter. Who better to play the handsome and sexy billionaire playboy than Robert Downey Jr.? While he's got some flaws, his concern for the well-being of the common good is pretty attractive, not to mention his fit figure and wallet.
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X-men Storm has always been an incredibly sexy superhero with her beautiful silvery mane and ability to create storms. In the first few films, she was played by one of the hottest women in Hollywood, Halle Berry. The latest actress to play Storm in "Xmen: Apocalypse" is none other than Alexandra Shipp.
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From Val Kilmer and Michael Keaton to Christian Bale, and now Ben Affleck, Bruce Wayne; also known as Batman, has always been played by the hottest men in Hollywood. Maybe it's the money, maybe it's that he's got a plethora of cool gadgets, or maybe it's because he's a vigilante, but there's always been something really sexy about Batman, with his large muscles and drive to protect his City. And did you see that scene in "Batman vs. Superman where Ben Affleck is working out? Rawr!
Black Widow
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Played by Scarlett Johansson, the black widow has reached a new level of popularity thanks to marvel's "the Avengers." She's been deemed one of the sexiest superheroes in the Marvel Universe, even though she doesn't actually have any superpowers. But, she does sport some rocking red hair, speaks Russian, and wears a black skintight suit that can make anyone drool.
Captain America
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Whether he is being drawn or played on-screen by Chris Evans, Captains America is one of the sexiest superheroes that has graced the comic world. Captain America, also known as Steve Rogers, started out of someone who just wanted to serve his country in world war two and then ended up a super soldier who got frozen, which is how he is now thankfully in our world. From his bulging muscles to his good boy image and perfect hair, he's definitely the definition of sexy.
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Portrayed by Jennifer Lawrence in several x-men movies, Mystique is one of the hottest superheroes for so many reasons. First, she can resist signs of aging thanks to her shape-shifting powers, which is always sexy since you can have youth and wisdom rolled into one. We can see every line and curve of her body, even when it's blue. And she's also one of the strongest characters who has taken on quite a leadership role in the x-men and is ready to fight for everything she has.
Scarlet Witch
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With red leather, smoldering eyes, and the incredible ability to manipulate the elements, warp reality, and use magic, what reason is there for scarlet witch not to be sexy? On screen, after making her first appearance in "Avengers: Age of Ultron" and then "Captain America; Civil War" actress Elizabeth Olsen brought about a brand new level of sexiness to the character by making her not only relatable but irresistible. In the comics, Scarlet Witch is equally sexy and her tight, plunging red suit.
We hope you enjoyed our sexy selection of some of the hottest Super Heroes which are your favorite drop of the line down in the comments and tell us what you think.
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