Friday, July 29, 2016

20 Lucky St. Patrick's Day Facts!

St. Patrick's day (wikipedia)

St. Patrick's day is held on March 17th, and I bet there's not much more you know about it other than it's a day to dress up in green and get wasted.  Ooh, you poor thing. Well, let me enlighten you. These are the top 20 lucky St.Patrick's Day facts. 

Fact No. 1

St. Patrick's day is named after St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, and is celebrated on March 17th because that's believed to be the day he died in 461 AD. But the truth is St. Patrick wasn't even Irish, nor was he even religious. In fact, he was born in Britain, and didn't become relgious until he was about 16. Jeez, it sounds like Patrick was more confused about his identity than a male Twilight fan.

Fact No. 2

Chicago river (wikipedia)
St. Patrick's Day i celebrated in almost every major country around the world, and each does something cool to celebrate. Chicago, in the United states, the Chicago River is dyed green. In Italy, they have 10 days of live music, food and drinks. Some cities even paint the lines on the road green for a day, which turned out to be more successful than painting
1:00all the stop lights green.

Fact No. 3

Over 13 million pints of green-dyed Guinness beer drank every St. Patrick's Day. Coincidentally, just as much volume of toothpaste is used the day after.

Fact No. 4

The harp is the official symbol of Ireland, which I'm guessing wasn't their first choice. I mean, there are so many other good options. And I'm sure at least one Irish dude has been teased in the past about that.

Fact No. 5

A traditional Irish cure for a hangover after St. Patrick's Day was to be buried up to the neck in moist river sand. But to me, that sounds more like a prank than a hangover cure. But I guess it'd be a nicer prank than having your buddies draw a penis on your face the day after.

Fact No. 6

The original color of St. Patrick is actually blue. Green didn't beecome associated with St. Patrick's Day until the 19th century, and I think that's a good thing because green seems to be a more more positive color than blue.

Fact No. 7

The Irish have a famous reputation for being heavy drinkers who can drink anyone under the table. Well, almost anyone.

Fact No. 8

The shamrock is associated with St. Patrick's Day because its three leaves were used by St. Patrick to represent the holy trinity. Shamrocks can be grown all year-round and are not exclusive to Ireland. Unlike the Shamrock Shake that's only at McDonald's. ou gotta make them available all year round, guys. Hugo had one, and now he's hooked, and I gotta deal with his withdrawal.
Celebrate St. Patrick's day (wikipedia)

Fact No. 9

The Blarney Stone is a legendary block of stone located in Ireland, that once kissed, is said to give the person the gift of great eloquence or skill at flattery. Well, legend or not, if you get plastered on St. Patrick's Day, no stone in the world is gonna make you an eloquent speaker.

Fact No. 10

According to legend, St. Patrick was known for banishing dangerous animals like snakes from Ireland. Now, if he could just banish other animals like Charlie Sheen from the news, we'd all be better off.

Fact No. 11

The colors of the Irish flag actually have a deep meaning. Green symbolizes the Irish Catholics. The orange represents the Irish Protestants, and the white represents the peace that is strived to be reached between them. But if you have a flag that's faded, please replace it. It's supposed to be green and orange, not green and yellow. Although if green and yellow did become popular, Lil Wayne might end up making a decent St. Patrick's song about it.

Fact No. 12

A leprechaun is a fairy in Irish folklore that's known for being mischevious, making shoes all day, and hiding all of his gold at the end of the rainbow. But fairy isn't a very accurate description of a leprechaun. I think a better classification would have been troll or gnome or Seth Green.

Fact No. 13

The most common Irish name for a boy is Connor. For a girl, it's Chloe, and the most common Irish last name is Murphy. So, if you run into a Conner Murphy this St. Patrick's Day, I wouldn't recommend getting in the way of his Guinness. 'Cause he's pure Irish. He might get a little cranky.

Fact No. 14

The Irish have many traditions other than St. Patrick's Day, including an odd birthday tradition, which is to lift the birthday child upside down and give his head a couple of gentle bumps on the ground for good luck, but that could be pretty bad if things went wrong.

Fact No. 15

Drowning the Shamrock is a phrase used on St. Patrick's Day, which means to float a shamrock on top your whisky before drinking it, which gives you good luck, which is a lot nicer than some other Irish phrases out there.

Fact No. 16

Clover cake (deviantart)
Four leaf clovers are also associated with St. Patrick's Day as finding one is said to make you very lucky as they are so rare. In fact, each leaf of the clover means something. The first is for hope. The second is for faith. The third is for love, and the fourth is for luck. And if you find a five leaf clover, then you're just luckier than Hugh Hefner.

Fact No. 17

Some big Irish bands that have had international success include Van Morrison, the Cranberries, the Script, and U2, but I'm just glad Ireland gave us some good musical artists, unlike Iceland that gave us artists like Björk.

Fact No. 18

Although St.Patrick's Day is a religious holiday in Ireland, in the majority of places around the world, it's not a day that people get off, which is pretty dumb considering the majority of people are just gonna leave work early anyways to hit the bars. Besides, it truly is a religious holiday to me, considering all the people that end up praying to the porcelain god.

Fact No. 19

The most authentic St. Patrick's Day parade occurs in Dublin, Ireland over a five day period and attracts over 500,000 people yearly. Or at least it's known to be the St. Patrick's Day parade until Colin Farrell shows up. Then, it's known as the douche bag parade.

Fact No. 20

And finally, there are over 65 billion people with an Irish ancestry around the world, which is over 10 times the population of Ireland itself. And to be honest, I wish there were more! The world would be such a friendlier place. Unless they were pikeys, and then it would be a much more confusing place.

So, have a good St. Patrick's Day, and remember may the winds of fortune sail you, may you sail a gentle sea, may it always be the other guy who says this drink's on me. See you next time. Bye!

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