Saturday, July 30, 2016

5 Amzing Facts You Never Knew About Twitter

Guess what topic we're covering today? Yess. Twitter, it's many people's favorite social media site. But how much do you really know about it?
Well, in today's facts in five, I'm going to explain everything that you need to know about Twitter in five minutes or less. So let's tweet right into it!

This is facts in five, all about Twitter.

1. So, what is Twitter?

Twitter (pixabay)
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, and, yes, it has its own definition, the word Twitter means a short, inconsequential burst of information. Which makes a lot of sense as to why its creators called the platform that. And, let's face it, with over 6,000 tweets being sent every second, there's no way that the majority of that information isn't inconsequential. Twitter was started in 2006, but, believe it or not, the communication giant didn't make a profit until 2013. In its beginning, it was actually an SMS phone service. Back then, SMS messages were generally limited to about 140 characters, a maximum number that the site still maintains per tweet to this day. Twitter's brand is easily recognized by identifying Larry Bird, the blue logo that the company is known for. In fact, the mascot is named after the Boston Celtics legend himself.

2. So, who uses Twitter?

Profile of Twitter user (flickr)
There are over 288 million active tweeters every month, with more than two billion Twitter accounts claimed. Everyone from actors, to companies, to the President of the United States himself can benefit from having an account. Though, truth be told, it's singers that reach the most people. Singer profiles hold seven of the 10 top Twitter accounts by number of followers, with Katy Perry sitting at the top, with a whopping 71.5 million followers. YouTube holds the records for the most followers for a brand with 49 million. And many people have made Twitter accounts for themselves or brands and have never utilized them. According to DNR digital statistics, 44% of all Twitter accounts have never even sent a tweet. So if you're one of those people, get to it, it's fun!

3. Where was Twitter created?

Jack Dorsey (wikipedia)
Back in March of 2006, four men, Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone, and Noah Glass came up with the social media site that we all now know and love. And, of all the strange places to start a business, they were sitting at the top of a slide in a playground in San Francisco. This is where Dorsey threw out a simple idea: You don't ever think about it, you just write. The foursome were all board members at a company called Odeo, which, soon after, pivoted from an audio publisher to the short, message-sending service which opened to the public on July 15, 2006. Twitter currently resides in San Francisco, California, but has 25 offices worldwide, including here in Canada. I been there, they're very nice.

4. When have Twitter users changed the world?

Twitter hashtag (wikipedia)
Hashtags, retweets, replies, social ads, and a mobile app. You'd think all of these features were developed by geniuses inside the official Twitter offices, but they were actually created by users of the service and developers outside of the site's headquarters. Twitter embraced these ideas, making each an integral part of its platform. In fact, originally, the company called its messages status updates, while only changing the name to tweets after the insistence of users. Then, on January 15th, 2009, Twitter transformed how the news broke when a single witness posted a photo of US Airways Flight 1549 in the icy waters of the Hudson River. Today, hundreds of news agencies from around the world use the platform to get information out. A lot of us get our news from there now. It's kind of strange to think of a time when it didn't exist.

5. So why to so many love Twitter?

Twitter around the world (pixabay)
Considered the SMS of the internet, Twitter ironically sees 80% of its 288 million monthly users tweeting on a mobile device. Twitter brings the world together in so many ways, whether it's sharing breaking news, updating people on events, or reaching out to an old friend or simply spreading some joy. And that is exactly what comedian Ellen DeGeneres did on March of 2014, when her Oscars selfie with the various huge stars that were in attendance was retweeted over 3.4 million times. It is by far the most retweeted tweet ever, even surpassing President Barack Obama's election night tweet which had over 800,000. We love Twitter because it connects us, motivates us, and makes us laugh, exactly what you'd hope from a social media site. That being said, if you wanna laugh and learn, follow me on Twitter! :D

Okay, guys, that's it for today. Thank you for reading this article and be sure to subscribe to my our newsletter so that you can catch our next article. And I will see you guys both then, and on the another article. Bye!
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