Saturday, October 8, 2016

10 Shocking Things You Didn't Know About Hillary Clinton!

So the 2016 presidential elections have been full of controversy, but although you might think I'm talking exclusively about Trump, I'm actually speaking just as much about Hillary. Yes, Hillary Clinton has been plagued by controversy, and not just during this election but for decades prior. She's been involved in some extremely shady and downright illegal things that many of you may not have even known have happened.

Hillary Clinton (wikipedia)
So today, we're going to make a plunge and find out exactly what those things are. So without further ado, here are 10 shocking things you didn't know about Hillary Clinton.

Number 1: she may be very ill.

There's been a lot of controversy in the media and across the internet about exactly what the real state of Hillary's health is. There's multiple videos on YouTube on her trying to give a speech at various rallies where she is simply unable to speak because she swings into these violent coughing fits. Most recently, a cell phone video of her surfaced, where she was clearly unable to stand, stumbling into her private vehicle where her security literally had to hold her up. Now, the official answer to all of these events, according to her physician, is that the 68-year-old simply had pneumonia, but given her poor medical history, that may not be true. Hillary has had concussions and multiple blood clots in her leg among other things that may be all contributing to overall declining health. This has led many people to believe that she's hiding something way worse than pneumonia simply for the fact that she doesn't want it to affect the voting results.

Number 2: she almost didn't marry Bill.

Okay, obviously Bill and Hillary have had all kinds of issues in their marriage, but the most interesting is that they almost didn't get married at all. It took more than three proposals for Hillary to say yes to Bill. He first proposed to her at a trip to London, England, but she declined, and even trying multiple times after that, he still got the same answer. It wasn't until he actually went out and bought a house for Hillary that she had previously said that she liked and told her you'd better come marry me, 'cause I can't live in it by myself, that she finally said yes. And of course they lived happily, mostly, every after.

Number 3: she can drink a lot.

Back in 2004, Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator John McCain were on a congressional tour of Estonia. The pair found themselves at a tavern in the capital city of Tallinn. According to the people present, the two declared a head-to-head vodka drinking contest because, you know, that's what you do when you're in a foreign country and you're a politician. Clinton apparently out drank McCain shot after shot, which is impressive, not because she's a woman, but because she's a politician, and I genuinely had no idea they had any idea how to have fun.

Number 4: she was rejected by the Marines.

In 1973, when she was just 26 years old, Hillary made an attempt to join the Marine Corps, however, she was rejected. According to her story, they rejected her simply because she was too old, at the yes, ripe age of 26, but the story has been met with a lot of criticism. She claims that her age, her poor eyesight and the mere fact that she was a woman were the contributing factors to her rejection. But since then, many Marines have come forward claiming that during the time that she tried to join, the Armed Forces were so desperate for lawyers that those details simply would not have mattered, and that she essentially made the entire story up.

Number 5: she hasn't driven a car since 1996.

Okay, it's important to note that many politicians get aids and Secret Service agents to drive them around for security reasons. However, many politicians still retain and update their drivers licenses so that they can drive their own vehicles. Well, Hillary's an exception to that however, apparently, because she has not driven a motor vehicle in two full decades, all the way back to 1996. She once joked that she remembers the last time that she was behind the wheel, and so does the Secret Service, which is apparently why she hasn't driven since.

Clinton's family (wikipedia)

Number 6: she has had many firsts in her title.

Hillary held the title of first lady for eight years, but something many of you may not know is that is not the only first in her name. Due to her involvement in the Whitewater controversy, which was a shady real estate investment scandal, she actually became the first and only first lady to ever be subpoenaed. On top of that, she and her husband were the first first couple to be ever fingerprinted by the FBI. Okay, take my fingerprints but be gentle, or don't, mmm. On a more positive note, she was the first lady ever to earn a post-graduate degree, be elected to public office or, of course, run for the presidency herself.

Number 7: she won a Grammy Award.

Hillary Clinton has achieved many things. She's a lawyer, a politician and a Grammy Award winning artist. In 1997, at the 39th Grammy Awards, she actually won a Grammy Award for the Best Spoken Word Album of the Year. The album that she won for was the audio book version of It Takes a Village, a book that she published just the previous year. Not only that, but her husband Bill, possibly inspired by her, went on to win two Grammy Awards himself for also Spoken Word Albums.

Number 8: she has been linked to multiple deaths.

Okay, this is a serious one. An unsettling number of bodies have allegedly accumulated in the presidential nominee's wake over the years. Now there are too many to list individually, but there are some more notable ones that I want to tell you about. Just a few months ago, John Ashe, former United Nations General Assembly president, died from a bizarre gym incident right before he could bring the Clintons up on charges related to illegal donations for their election fund. They found him with a crushed throat because he apparently dropped a dumbbell on himself. But one of the most notable was that of James McDougal, who was a financial partner of the Clintons in a real estate deal alongside his wife, Susan. On March 8, 1998, McDougal had a heart attack while in solitary confinement, before he could provide witness testimony to a case that the Clintons were involved in, but if you think that's bad, a total of 46 people who were close to Hillary over the years have died from either bizarre or unexplained deaths.

Number 9: she conversed with a ghost.

So most presidents have admitted to talking to God as Christianity is a popular tool amongst those running to get elected, but Hillary took it a step farther by saying that she claims to have spoken with a ghost. She has said that she's had frequent conversations with Eleanor Roosevelt while she was living in the White House. Eleanor Roosevelt was the first lady herself from 1933 to 1945 and died in 1962. Apparently, she would come back on occasion just to remind Hillary that she needed to buck up or grow a skin as thick as a rhinoceros. Hillary claims that she was told to communicate with Eleanor by her spiritual advisor. Oh, and it also turns out that Roosevelt wasn't the only famous spirit up for a chat, because Hillary also claims that she has spoken with Gandhi.

Number 10: the email controversy.

Okay, many of you probably already know about this, but for those of you that don't, allow me to explain. In early 2015, it was revealed that Hillary, during her time as secretary of state, exclusively used her family's private email server to send emails. Now you might be wondering Matt, why is that a big deal? It's just emails. Well, it's a big deal because some of those emails contained highly classified material. As with every other politician, she was supposed to use official State Department email accounts maintained on federal servers for security purposes. This was such a big deal that the FBI actually launched an investigation into this scandal, revealing that 113 emails contained information that was considered classified at the time that it was sent, but it gets worse. Out of those emails, 65 were deemed secret, and 22 were deemed top secret. Now this outraged politicians and the public alike, as many believed that she was putting America's national security at risk, which she was. But it gets even worse because she deleted over 31,000 emails in what appeared to be an attempt to cover up an unauthorized use of a home server for official email use. Now she has since admitted to this, saying that the reason that she had all of her emails on one phone is because it was just more convenient, and it was simply inconvenient to carry two separate phones. Yeah, yeah, Hillary, that's a good excuse, you know, sending nuke launch codes and stuff like that just because it's inconvenient to carry two phones. Yeah, that's good.

So those were 10 shocking things you didn't know about Hillary Clinton, but I wanna know from you guys. Is there anything I missed? Is there some scandal out there that she did that I may have missed on this list, and I also want to know in the comments which one on this list was the most shocking to you. Was it the mail thing or was it something as simple as the fact that she denied her husband Bill multiple times before they got married. I wanna know from you in the comments, and that's it.

I will see you guys next time with a brand new article. Thanks for reading, bye.
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